1/n Excited to share the IBM Quantum blog featuring our recent PRX Quantum paper:
"Efficient Long-Range Entanglement using Dynamic Circuits."
🚀 Why does this matter?
Quantum processors are limited by local connectivity, but our research demonstrates how dynamic circuits—leveraging mid-circuit
"Efficient Long-Range Entanglement using Dynamic Circuits."
🚀 Why does this matter?
Quantum processors are limited by local connectivity, but our research demonstrates how dynamic circuits—leveraging mid-circuit
🔍 What did we achieve?
- Developed a method to perform CNOT teleportation across up to 101 qubits
- Prepared GHZ states with genuine long-range entanglement.
- Demonstrated significant reductions in circuit depth, making computations more resilient to noise.
💡 Why it’s exciting:
Dynamic circuits aren't just a new tool; they’re an accelerant for scaling quantum
Elisa Bäumer, Vinay Tripathi, Derek S. Wang, Patrick Rall, Edward H. Chen, Swarnadeep Majumder, Alireza Seif, and Zlatko Minev.
đź“– Read more in the IBM blog: https://buff.ly/3EaLN05
đź“„ PRX Quantum paper (Open Access): https://buff.ly/3CjwEJh