1/n I am stepping away from IBM Quantum after nearly 7 years. This was an unforgettable chapter of my life where I was blessed with the best of colleagues, on a joint mission to bring useful quantum computing to the world, and to help bring up the next generation of young scientists.
Stepping away
Stepping away
Thank you, team, for organizing a wonderful sendoff party and memories to cherish.
Looking back, I never could have predicted how this journey would unfold. So, I am deeply grateful to the team for the opportunity to build
- Qiskit Metal – the world’s first quantum hardware EDA tool and open-source community
- Qiskit Leap – a world-class group of researchers advancing quantum research
- Qiskit Seminar Series – 175+ episodes with over 2M views on YouTube
And to nudge the field forward
- Starting our PEC error mitigation experiment in 2019, which later shaped our roadmap and core runtime product for quantum cloud execution for users,
- Helping develop mitigation advances like T-REX and ML-QEM
- Teaching 20,000+ students at the Qiskit Global Summer School (#QGSS)
- Supporting $80M+ in strategic revenue generation (Basque+)
- Advising global and U.S. federal agencies (e.g., DHS CISA)
- Publishing dozens of patents and papers, and helping build up the growing quantum ecosystem
Along the way, I’ve