I once had a dream my IUD had mysteriously vanished and that left a kernel of doubt in me for years. I was at the dr this week and she assured me she could see the strings. Such a relief! Even though the only reason I thought it was gone was bc of a dream?! Brains are silly
OMG I used to have dreams about being pregnant too, even though I have an IUD and exclusively sleep with a woman (who's had a hysterectomy)! Apparently it's about positive life changes and new growth, but knowing how pregnancy changes your body, idk how "positive" it really is! 😂
Hahaha. It’s that irrational part of your brain that’s like, “But what if I accidentally let someone raw dog me and I forgot about it or it’s immaculate conception or something. It could totally happen.”
I had a TON of dreams when I first stopped being Catholic that I was getting next Virgin Mary and that I was being pressure by a god I wasn't sure I believed in to keep the baby because "the world needs a radical kind of love now more than ever" and I was just so grossed out by being pregnant 😅