I feel like it started on reddit. About a decade ago it got taken up into their weirdo ideological blob. It did immense damage to my self-image to see any dick that looked like mine be called mutilated. It plays in my head all the time and is why I don't post hog much.
Shame on anyone who hates on circumcised dick. 99% of the time it's not a choice. Also a vast majority of the people that do it later in life do it for medical reasons so...hating is dumb. What matters is if they know how to sling that dick and if not are they willing to learn to get better.
I don't know what's the perfect standard for beauty around but I know things that knock me far off the board already are being black, cut, and not slender build
I think if people knock you off the board for things you can't control they're shit not worth your time. From what I know about you, you seem pretty great. I'm not slender and neither is my partner but I think he's sexy AF. Keep doing you and bettering yourself not for others but for you. ❤️
Glad my partner appreciates my looks overall but with us being open and poly like the weird body image things to match up to really will make us question ourselves sometimes
I get that Fr because I'm also poly with body image issues. While most of mine are from dysphoria I can sympathize with you because I also feel the fatphobia that permiates society and tries to make us feel less than for not being the "ideal"
Regardless way I wanted to offer some kindness today. ❤️
Ngl the damage it has already done is pretty substantial even on people that post their body to keep their confidence in their self image up. To a good amount out there it is a flaw or imperfection.
I might be in the minority on this, but I think cut is the more attractive of the two
... but it should still be up to everyone to choose for themselves
I feel this as well, I’m seeing so much more positive emphasis is put on being uncut that it gets to me a little. Am I now somehow less attractive? It’s a bit gross feeling.
It goes the other way as well unfortunately, I'm very against infant circumcision, it should be your choice.
That said, I'm uncut, but have seen the rhetoric and memes online about being unclean and gross for many years now, even heard it spoken aloud around me and it sucks to be judged like that.
Personally, I don’t care either way. Yeah, it’s cool when I meet other uncut guys, but like… It’s never a requirement and I never look down on anyone else for not being uncut.
I always find it so strange the things people fetishismze sometimes, especially the things we never had control over. Like cool, you dont like PAs, i respect that, but bro i had 0 choice about what my parents did when i was just born xD
The flipside, being cut, is a complete lack of appreciation for intact partners. The moisture, drippiness, smell, and even the way the extra skin moves is a totally foreign experience for me. I don't know how to cope with it without feeling totally useless or like I'm wasting the other guy's time.
I mean that's the result of ridicule. You aren't looked at as adequate compared to others and you cant experience being uncut, only fathom what someone who is telling you everything about how it is.
It should not be. A person cannot help what was done as a child. I appreciate both personally as do many people. Online definitely makes an issue bigger than it is/needs to be. The sex education I cultivate aims to get rid of that thinking. You are you. A person can take it ir leave it.
... (if I can still bring myself to orgasm, it's working just fine.)
Regardless way I wanted to offer some kindness today. ❤️
... but it should still be up to everyone to choose for themselves
Not like we were baby's fresh out of our mom's and were like " hey don't do that plz" 😮💨
That said, I'm uncut, but have seen the rhetoric and memes online about being unclean and gross for many years now, even heard it spoken aloud around me and it sucks to be judged like that.
That’s pretty shitty that people do that. :/