Same. Not crossposting, but didn't delete it because I don't want someone to impersonate me later, as deleted usernames become available to be taken in a few months. I also login once a month to ensure it doesn't get flagged as abandoned.
I just left. I haven't deleted the account nor have I posted there in ages. Not gonna xpost there either, as I hope that site will die in a sea of fire
I want to avoid any possibility of namesquatting, even if I'm noone. (Someone squatted my .com domain once, even though it's my last name, shared by none but 5-10 of my closest relatives.)
I'm keeping the account, I don't want someone to grab the name. No cross posting, I don't even log in or check it out, have not done so for months now.
I just stopped using it. I check on some people over there from time to time. Trying to find more personal avenues to talk shit with friends these days.
There are services that auto delete for you (not free though).
I judge people who cross posters, but keeping the account is fine, name squatting is a thing.
I do occasionally get tagged too.
1. disable all notifications
2. remove from home screen
3. uninstall app
4. Happiness
So my account will remain as is frozen in time until the service decides otherwise, but protected from any bots taking it over until then.