Tri was my first one so i have a soft spot for it, lagiacrus is such a cool flagship monster! But I think my favorite overall is Rise, moving around in that game is just so much fun and the more fantasy/anime monhun games are the ones I really like!
Soft spot for 3U, as the first I got big into. Generations Ultimate is about all you could ask for. Overall, i'd might say Iceborne. Lance was so good in 3U. Charge Blade was king of 4U. Nothing beat adept Greatsword in GenU. Hammer in Iceborne was unforgetable. Honestly, it depends on the weapon!
I remember reading a big multiple article on it in Nintendo power. It looked so different and cool compared to a lot of the games I played at the time but I never had a chance to try it out.
Started with 4, here! I’ve only played a handful in World, Rise, Gen Ult and Wilds, but personally I feel like Wilds manages the best blend of QoL, accessibility and gameplay. I do kinda miss my wirebugs though, haha
And the disappointment of being left hanging by every friend who said they wanted to play with me and never did kind of soured the end experience for me.
I ADORE Rise! The fact that it was so accessible in terms of hardware requirements and it's silkbugs and switch skills made me get SO into the flow of combat. Spread bow and longsword, my beloved.....
World will always have my heart because it was my first, the most accessible, and the overall vibe and aesthetic was great. Loved a lot of the newer monster designs and upgrades to older designs.
It was fun until the late-LATE game grind. XD
And the disappointment of being left hanging by every friend who said they wanted to play with me and never did kind of soured the end experience for me.
One day I'll come back though.
Odogaron and Legiana were my faves
Valstrax is such a good monster, plus they added Glavenus, Mizutsune, and Astalos
It was just so jam packed full of stuff i loved. Also right analog stick