According to you, everyone and everything is a declining power. Do you know why no one responds to you? Because no one gives the village idiot the time of day, take care!
You responded to each of my messages. Anyways yes major powers are pretty much in decline except China, and they face a lot of headwinds. India faces a middle income trap. The west is facing declining rate of profit. Just how it is brah.
And I would be the only one to ever respond to you. Count yourself lucky as it’s the last response I’ll give. I can’t help but take your uninformed bait. China is not on the rise. In 10-15 their one child policy consequences threatens the collapse of their economy.
Yup as I said srtious headwinds. By there move into high income status gives room for growth if they get the demographics right. Russian brth rate is below replacement, hence part of the reason it's in decline
You are nonsensical. Our economy depends on the free flow of oil just because of its consumption but also for the market price. We also have brokered peace agreements and enduring security agreements. ie Israel-Egypt. We are not a declining power. Our economy, tech, military envy of the world