The most formative TTRPG influences on me have been, in no particular order:
1 D&D [AD&D 2nd Ed]
2 Star Wars WEG D6
3 Rifts
4 Savage Worlds [Deadlands]
5 Buck Rogers
What's yours?
1 D&D [AD&D 2nd Ed]
2 Star Wars WEG D6
3 Rifts
4 Savage Worlds [Deadlands]
5 Buck Rogers
What's yours?
Vampire the Masquerade
Vampire the Requiem/Forsaken/other Chronicles of Darkness
D&D 3.5, 4e, 5e
BRP (First game was a short-lived Melnibone game that left me loving the d100)
AD&D 2e
Marvel Super Heroes (TSR)
DC Heroes (Mayfair)
Shadowrun (FASA)
Cyberpunk 2020 (R. Talsorian)
1. D&D (BECMI)
2. Amber Diceless RPG
4. Traveller (original boxed set)