This pattern of terminating existing commitments and obligations is the most infuriating part of Musk's rampage. If the US government's word (written commitment) isn't good, that's a failed state. I assume someone powerful will complain and it will get turned on -- no way to run things.
Most of us have no clue on how fast things change when the tectonics of history shift
The US ceased to exist on January 20th.
Now we have this clown show of a musical comedy dictatorship, with no adults in charge of anything. Wanna be autocrats, two-but grifters, psychopaths, drug addicts, drunks, all low IQ racist homophobes.
That's how fast things can fail.
Ask Indigenous people about their treaties.
Ask Black people about Civil Rights.
Ask millions of US Citizens who've been deported cause they're brown.
If it were true, the outrages Trump et al are committing would not be outrages.
I believe many Americans do want justice, do want the Constitution to apply evenly to all.
But old money and old power, and the desire to have power OVER others, are ascendant, today.
Just not us.
Your American exceptionalism is showing.
We literally had the world, and flushed it because transgenders made eggs too expensive, or something.