I'm one of the original fans of your work. I'm 90s baby. And i want to thank you for bringing the series back to it's former glory. For decades i watched Konami absolutely destroy an emotional work of art and it was absolutely soul destroying for the original fans that grew up with it. But i'm -
- confident the games can be amazing again under the direction of Bloober team and the original Team Silent members. Thank you so much Mr. ito and Mr. Yamaoka for making the games great again. This would of been impossible without you.
Within the gaming community. Your work is Legendary. You guys are right up there with Hideo Kojima in terms of Skill.
Team Silent is legendary among Gamers. And i'm so happy i got to experience the Silent Hill 2 remake under the direction of Professional developers. Thank you.
Team Silent is legendary among Gamers. And i'm so happy i got to experience the Silent Hill 2 remake under the direction of Professional developers. Thank you.