“Australia has been "left behind" on R&D”
Oh, they’re very concerned about this, even though the Science/Industry Minister’s review only started this year & “will not be completed before the next election”.
How could we have known this would happen?
Let me count (a tiny fraction of) the ways👇
Oh, they’re very concerned about this, even though the Science/Industry Minister’s review only started this year & “will not be completed before the next election”.
How could we have known this would happen?
Let me count (a tiny fraction of) the ways👇
“On some aggregate measures like R&D investment, Australia’s business sector
appears to be rapidly falling behind”.
“Australia’s total investment in research and development is falling behind our international competitors.”
[Image from page 3 of : https://universitiesaustralia.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/220426-UAs-productivity-plan.pdf]
Well how about this report from the Chief Scientist in 2014? Seems a bit … like a warning!
Now another review, that's finding what all previous reviews & reports predicted. Surprise! Without any serious policy or money, what did they expect?
Honestly, pathetic.