On Wednesday, a brief decisionr came down from SCOTUS that answered a very important question: Would the High Court side with the Constitution and its own federal courts, or would it capitulate to Trump? The fate of our Republic hung in the balance. https://open.substack.com/pub/statuskuo/p/we-dodged-a-constitutional-bullet?r=1zr8b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Izzie Zenning.
Four (4) voted for monarchy?
Justice Amy Coney Barrett is getting death threats for "voting the wrong way" ?
Unbelievable, truly unbelievable, how far the cancer has progressed.
Upholding the Constitution should be unanimous.
Four of the most powerful figures in America would be happy to ensure that Trump becomes king and your Constitution goes in the bin.
The rest of Dumbfuckistan will probably split along the old Confederacy and the middle North.
There are three justices who've made it clear that they will never vote against Trump's whim, no matter how stupid or illegal it is. So you're not going to get anything better a 6-3 split until Trump finally dies.
(in the sense of "illicit gain" not propagating plants.)