I don't know why I would ever listen to John Roberts though, especially since he's now granted me immunity for basically anything even remotely related to my office.
What did you think he was gonna do when you and the boys gave him immunity, listen to anything you have to say? Tic tock Chief Justice. What you gonna do when Don comes for you? “But..but…but..I didn’t think he would do anything to me!” Don’s whole life has been using people and then throwing away.
Talk is cheap. I'm waiting for someone in the administration to actually be JAILED for contempt. Of course, it may never happen because everyone is scared to take that first step.
Chief Justice Roberts just pushed back. I pray our Supreme Court wakes up and does what's right. Unfortunately, I know four of them are a lost cause, but if Roberts and Coney Barrett prevail, we might get out of this mess DT is creating. Giving immunity to this a**hole was a BIG mistake!😡
Are we supposed to read this as " we're mad at you, don't do this again" or "stop messing up the judicial process, come to us and we'll make it better without all this hassle"?