They are right to caution their citizenry. If they are smart they will have their tourism boards highlight great destinations and encourage people to vacation inside their own borders. And the EU can encourage travelling throughout Europe. Might as well boost their own tourism and economies.
This screen shots below are a comment in response to a Daily Kos post yesterday about all the Canadians canceling long-running vacation traditions in the U.S.
The US was a tourist destination. Even as unusual as our location was, our AirBnB hosted many foreigners for around the world. The US is becoming a vile place to avoid and this is going to hit our pocket books in places no one knew existed.
The UK warning was, as usual, luke warm (piss poor)
The useless Foreign Office merely staes that people should make sure that they have their paperwork inorder, ignoring the fact that people were refused entry for lese majestie at a US airport.
Frankly, we need to tell all the Europeans to stay away. Stay far the fuck away. Keep your British pound sterlings, and Euros. Starve Disney, Miami, or whatever tourista traps the Europeans like here. Dumpy Twumpy doesn’t want your weird & strange money.
It was crazy enough coming after Canada but detaining people from all sorts of ally countries shows how absolutely unstable troomp is. He's single handedly causing the downfall of America live, in record time.
Not single-handedly. His enablers and sychophants are to blame. Mitch is to blame. He could have been convicted after the Jan6 impeachment. This time around, the Senate could have *not* confirmed his picks. But, yeah, I know what you are saying. It's hard to process and infuriating.
Makes you wonder if when they let all those Nazi scientists in, we really didn't win the war and they just planned a 100 year subjugation and dumbing down to come out in force again.
Or is it just an issue of reincarnation and people not learning their lessons. Or maybe both?
Are you referring to operation paperclip? I wonder how many Americans know that their space program was partially developed by ex-Nazi engineers and scientists
Hello. I'm referring to many things actually. If I speak honestly most think I am crazy because they fail to see beyond their own cognitive dissonance and limitations of senses to truly see.
I've had major visions, which have come true, much of this life and am aware of previous lives.
Trump is already killing U.S. tourism.
The useless Foreign Office merely staes that people should make sure that they have their paperwork inorder, ignoring the fact that people were refused entry for lese majestie at a US airport.
Or is it just an issue of reincarnation and people not learning their lessons. Or maybe both?
I've had major visions, which have come true, much of this life and am aware of previous lives.