Remember 26 Feb 2022 CNN: "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has turned down an offer from the U.S. of evacuation from the capital city Kyiv, the Ukraine embassy in Britain. . . "
"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky told the US, according to the embassy. HERO.
It was so grotesque & shameful. It made literally sick. Now we stand w dictators & thugs. Trump & Vance looked stupid,uneducated about the facts & beholden to to a thug dictator.
Zelenskyy is an unbelievable leader we rarely see, and he will go into history as such. He is being bullied relentlessly to bow to Trump & Putin. Ukraine is on the ground, battered, and Trump wants to ROB Ukraine while on the ground. It is so disgusting & beyond comprehension.
Personally, perhaps. But I'm sure that he feels the weight of the hopes and fears of the Ukrainian people, and losing the support of the US is devastating.
The good guys always write the books, unfortunately both good and bad guys are, but the truth will always be told sooner or later. I just hope Zelenskyy stays strong and will NOT bow to any compromise. How he even manages to be so controlled & friendly is also beyond me. What a gem of a leader!
Don't know why he was talking to the Emporer of the United States when he should've been talking his lover, President Musk.... also, some guy named JD Vance was there for some reason.
I think he was remarkably restrained. But he had to put his marker down, and he did it. He was polite and respectful but firms whilst they were rude, hectoring and disrespectful.
This was disgusting to watch. Can't wait for the Rs to twist themselves into the narrative of "this is what standing up to a dictator looks like" pretzel.
Increasingly, we are just watching super cringe episodes of the office. This is Michael offering laptops batteries in lieu of the college scholarship he promised.
The Oval Office show is nightmare fuel... Still, now I want to see a Steve Carell parody of this circus. Hang in there Zelensky 😓
Yes as a leader should display his control. JD was a plant to stir the pot. Just another embarrassing day in the Trump administration. Like last term America must apologize on a regular basis.
Zelenskyy clearly knew how to let them make fools of themselves on camera. The only thing that would have been better is if he let them go until they were done spluttering, following up with a calm, “feel better now?”
Sign the petition to Impeach Trump/Vance.
2. Go TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES OF R REPS, WHERE YOU LIVE and peacefully protest with how they have hurt us.
3. If in DC protest at Heritage foundation.
Imagine going through what he has these last almost 10 years and beyond… literally fighting a war every day for and with your country… only to be bullied by these pathetic childish sociopathic fuck faces.
His restraint was off the charts. He truly is a warrior and a hero. 💙💛🇺🇦
Every move he makes is restrained and with his countries best interest first and foremost, his only thoughts are for his country and his people. True hero.
I know, right.. I'm not sure I could have sat there and took it like that. I would have punched trump square in his face and walked the fuck out. I was so angry watching that horrific situation unfold in the White House.
The only reason why the 🍊💩acts like a big man is because he has SS behind him. Give anyone 5 minutes with that orange pos without the SS protection, he would be 💀.
There are moments in history that reveal the true character of leadership—Today, the world bore witness to such a moment—a catastrophic failure (by Trump and Vance), of diplomacy wrapped in arrogance, insecurity, and stunning ignorance.
Which makes it official we are not part of the free world, let alone leader of the free world - leader of the free world leads a free country AND you buy that power - you send enormous amounts of aid for foreign projects - we stopped sending aid - unexpectedly & traumatically btw - & we are not free
After all is said and done, Zelenskyy will be hailed a hero. Statues will be built to his image, but Orange Turd's burial plot will get pissed on 'til the end of time!
Zelenskyy’s composure, intelligence and even a moment of humor in the face of this attack by the official bullies and their chosen press pack is outstanding.
So shameful to see how Trump treats America’s allies and friends.
Restraint was amazing. One of the reasons I could not sit in a room with that Orange POS, let alone having Vance in the room acting all tough.
Reliving the”whole thing was a scam” was an added bonus. A scam eh? Complete the investigation and let us all see, Agent Krasnov.
With Trump poking him on his shoulder, in an apparent show of dominance (but only showed Trump’s rudeness), Zelensky kept his cool. (Of course he knew, if he even touched the president, the Secret Service would be all over him.) So angry at my government.
The thing is Zelensky could have taken them both out in a minute with no weapons. Do they really think they can intimidate a person that had experienced what he has. They are lucky that he was restrained,
Zelenskyy had more restraint than I would have. I have a fiery temperature sometimes. I'd have throat punched Trump in his vagina neck and just bitchslapped Vance until he cried.
I am embarrassed by Trump and Vance! They tried to humiliate Zelenskyy in a public ambush. They humiliated themselves. The only adult in the room was Zelenskyy.
Dear Mr President Zelensky Show pictures and videos from the war in your country .
Maga People “dont know “
what the russian soldiers are doing with your families .🙏💛💙🆘🆘🆘🆘
What restraint? He can't offer anything now that the current U.S president doesn't need him anymore. He knows he will be replaced. He knows his resources will be extracted to profit U.S interests. What restraint exactly?
At the moment nothing has been set in concrete and Pani President's thoughts are not amicable to Muscovy as the people voted him to make them part of the EU and NATO.
please Zelenksy - you MUST see that you cannot win with Trump - a bad actor, any deal he strikes will be dirty & for Russia & he will NOT keep promises - go with the EU, NATO the UN - do NOT let Trump bully you - the aggressor DOES NOT GET TO DECIDE ANYTHING you have Europe and the UN behind your
Losing your cool and yelling threatening are not qualities of even a poor excuse for a leader or man. Keeping your cool with a near death foaming at the mouth rabid dog some call a leader or POTUS. Is a sign You are a real Man and Leader.
And the interpreters - unsung hero adult who also are remarkably controlled. I thought the same. Everyone else was decidedly un-adult. If these were my kids, they'd be made to apologize and spend some quality time out time to think about it.
the fact that he doesn't even shake his head in bewilderment or negation. His body language discipline is fucking on point. But of course he's been basically on the front lines forevery in an actual fucking war. this toddler having a tantrum is nothing compared to that. Absolute legend
There is more masculinity in Zelensky’s toe than that entire room.
Who was the idiot reporter asking why he didn’t wear a suit when Musk has a press conference in the Oval Office wearing a trench coat, tshirt and sunglasses?
JFC, we look like idiots when DT’s Art of the Deal is blackmail.
Me either, I'm so angry at the idiot. I mean does he even realise what utter nonsense he's talking. Does he really think anyone believes a word he's saying? Good call on the donation, that might make me calm down a bit...
I felt a little better after I donated. Some might say it won’t make a difference but if enough people donate, it will. Doing my best to stay sane in an insane world.
Same here, I'm absolutely disgusted with how Zelenskyy was treated. Complete and total garbage administration behaving like a bunch of playground bullies. Despicable. Ukraine we stand with you 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
You know what? Zelensky is in a war over there. I think he doesn’t give a shit how they act. He’s not worried about it. He’s got bigger problems than Trump and Vance. He knows they are pieces of shit.
I would have told both Village Idiots to go fuck themselves, walked out. Russian TASS was there to report back on the two Village Idiots.
#SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦
Yeah, he definitely does an amazing job. Far better than I would ever be able to. I'd just try to choke that orange piece of crap on a spot (which would be horrible for Ukraine)
I am Proud of President Zelenskyy that he told the truth and how it is & did not bend and Kiss the Ass of Liar Felon Criminal Dictator Trump & walk away from the US/Russia WH & did not make the BS Dictator Trump's Deal that not Help Ukraine, Fuck Dictator Trump & his Coffee Boy couch rapist Vance!
The only thing I would do different ... Zelensky would stand up, look into Trumps face, say ... dont you ever raise your voice at me again; then walk out. He did say "speak loudly". My idea would have been great TV.
That's what makes him the leader Ukraine needs right now. He is not rattled by anything and never lets impulsivity hurt his mission, which is to save as many of his people as he can and serve the best interests of future generations. He takes that responsibility very seriously.
Hell. For that matter, that's what makes him leader the untied states of amercu need right now. Wish he would be willing to moonlight. After all if there's no birthright citizenship, I guess that means you don't have to be born here to be president.
A good portion of this United States supports president, Zelensky and Ukraine against Putin. We know that Russia is not our friend, but obviously Vance and Trump do not. They don’t belong in the oval office and the idiots that put them there will cause a world war
They attacked him relentlessly then the media call it a shouting ‘match’ - as though Zelenskyy was equally hot-headed! His restraint and calm under fire was so dignified and admirable.
There should be massive protests in support of Ukraine ASAP to send that message. You'll have to do some research in your area, or maybe propose one yourself.
President Zelensky was the only President in that room today. Trump doesn’t have what it takes to be a mediocre president. He is disgraceful and embarrassing.
It's like two small dogs growling and yapping at a person walking by on the other side of the fence. They want Zalensky to think they are so big and tough.
Sorry, that's insulting to dogs. It's just what I see in my head.
Trump did with his heel spurs clicking... More than once a lotta people say🤔
"The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky told the US, according to the embassy. HERO.
I am just horrified to be an American today.
He is strong, soo strong. He must cringe at the thought of being on the same planet as that vile bag of bile.
The Oval Office show is nightmare fuel... Still, now I want to see a Steve Carell parody of this circus. Hang in there Zelensky 😓
Blaming the victims.
Typical Trump.
And Vance is an absolutely unqualified dipshit.
2. Go TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES OF R REPS, WHERE YOU LIVE and peacefully protest with how they have hurt us.
3. If in DC protest at Heritage foundation.
His restraint was off the charts. He truly is a warrior and a hero. 💙💛🇺🇦
That’s the kind of restraint I genuinely wish he didn’t exercise.
Imagine the worldwide historic legend #Zelensky would become if he did that.
Would be like #Luigi x 1000
What an extraordinary man Zelenskyy is. SLAVA UKRAINI
The video of it was one of the most disgusting moments in the Oval office by a president.
.....and then punch his fucking lights out.
A total disgrace to the office of the presidency and for the country.
SOMEBODY impeah him!!!
Read more 👇
Me off. Like don’t put your hands on him. If you want respect, give it!
Don't try to play chess with those playing checkers.
It's shameful what has become of the United State's government in little more than a month.
If you can imagine such an abomination. Brian Glenn. That's who she dumped her husband for.
So shameful to see how Trump treats America’s allies and friends.
Reliving the”whole thing was a scam” was an added bonus. A scam eh? Complete the investigation and let us all see, Agent Krasnov.
They pick the most stupid things to bully people with.
But it is so, so damned hard to watch.
We need a much stronger word for "embarrassment."
Maga People “dont know “
what the russian soldiers are doing with your families .🙏💛💙🆘🆘🆘🆘
The initiative of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy The main platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine.
[20] Life’s blessings drench the honest and faithful person, but punishment rains down upon the greedy and dishonest.
Who was the idiot reporter asking why he didn’t wear a suit when Musk has a press conference in the Oval Office wearing a trench coat, tshirt and sunglasses?
JFC, we look like idiots when DT’s Art of the Deal is blackmail.
#SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦
Did you see the look on his face when he said that?
Sorry, that's insulting to dogs. It's just what I see in my head.