Ben Murphy is in there 😇
Ahern probably unlucky to miss out, but who does Posthlewaite go in ahead of? Possibly JOB?
Ahern probably unlucky to miss out, but who does Posthlewaite go in ahead of? Possibly JOB?
There’s room for 10 more if they wanted to
Why would you not include the development players?
"Why have they brought in players they're not going to play?"
We use less players and pick less players than anyone else, it’s very strange
It's not that strange, we likely have the most control over our system at a national level of any country
The whole thing is very tightly managed
You could argue why you'd waste the money on room and board for players coaches aren't interested in
We can name a bigger squad
We have an A game
Why is having more players exposed to the system, as we build to the RWC, a bad thing?
You could expand it, but you have to put a cap at some point
They may yet name more players for an explicit A squad