Imagine you have a great uncle in his 80s. He’s led an amazing life full of adventure - traveled to every corner of the world, been present at numerous historic events, and rubbed shoulders with celebrities and significant cultural figures.
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I wanted to convey how something can be a fun worthwhile experience even if the vibe is very different from a sing-along greatest hits concert you might get from other artists.
Once every year or so he invites you over for a couple hours to listen to him tell stories - some are about his life and some aren’t, some are dramatic, some are cryptic, some are introspective, some are funny and some are sad.
It doesn’t even matter if he repeats a story because he tells them a bit differently every time. And it doesn’t matter if he’s slowed down with age, he’s still willing to sit down and share his wisdom with you and you’re always happy for another chance to be in his company.