Red-level alert for the Utah active transportation community. Please write to your state reps (especially in a red district) asking them to oppose SB 195, which would prevent SLC from implementing any traffic safety measures. Here's part of the email I wrote to my reps (feel free to reuse).
“The last-minute substitute, which did not receive a public hearing before passing the Senate”
“The updated bill was such a surprise, it passed unanimously before Senate Democrats realized what was in the bill and updated their votes to nay”
Do folks already know about this Town Hall tomorrow? (I’m late to that info)
SB195 is a real slap in the face to SLC -& the Gondola that most citizens don’t want will be built.
Please spread the word!
They continue giving themselves more power while stripping away citizens/local city (think SLC) control.
#utpol #utleg
Packed - & contentious. Did not get opportunity to ask abt SB195 but as I was leaving, did ask Draper Mayor Troy Walker how he felt about singling out just 1 UT city & gondola issue. He hates it & is speaking out!
Contact mayors & Council members too!
SB195 “appears to require the Utah Department of Transportation to move ahead with plans construct the world’s longest gondola through Little Cottonwood Canyon”
Tomorrow, Sat 2/17, Sen Kirk Cullimore is hosting a Town Hall w Sen Daniel McCay and Rep Cal Roberts at Draper City Hall, 3 pm.
I sure hope folks show up! At the #NotMyPresident #NoKing protest this week, many speakers mentioned that showing up for town halls is important