So here is my thoughts on Pokemon pocket tcg. Best decks.
1. Mewtwo ex // Gardivoir
2. Blastoise ex // articuno ex
3. Charizard ex // Moltres ex
4. Dragonite // Articuno ex
5. Pikachu ex // Zapdos ex
6. Venasaur ex // Lilligant
Decks that I have untested or testing below #pokemon #tcg #tierlist
1. Mewtwo ex // Gardivoir
2. Blastoise ex // articuno ex
3. Charizard ex // Moltres ex
4. Dragonite // Articuno ex
5. Pikachu ex // Zapdos ex
6. Venasaur ex // Lilligant
Decks that I have untested or testing below #pokemon #tcg #tierlist
1. Nidoqueen // Nidoking
2. Gyardos
3. Riachu // magnaton
4. I want to put weezing but not sure.
1. Marowak ex // primape (new cubone)
2. Greninja // articuno ex
3. Alakazam // gardivoir?
4. Melmetal
5. Machamp ex
6. Butterfree // Exeggutor Ex
I have recently been trying
- Pigeot // hypno (surprisingly good)
I feel a lot of articuno can be replaced with staryu // starmie but not all