"We can't have that now, can we?"
She chuckles. As they approach the camp, she lets go of his hand and approaches the girls. She would stick with the blond some more, but she knows that he also need his space from time to time
She chuckles. As they approach the camp, she lets go of his hand and approaches the girls. She would stick with the blond some more, but she knows that he also need his space from time to time
Reposted from
"Knowing Barret, he's probably already eating all our food."
He joked lightly, knowing that man could be a glutton. Yet the gun armed male often wouldn't be so disrespectful if others hadn't eaten. Tifa for one wouldn't allow it to stand.
He joked lightly, knowing that man could be a glutton. Yet the gun armed male often wouldn't be so disrespectful if others hadn't eaten. Tifa for one wouldn't allow it to stand.