Ah yes, the Bootstrap Paradox of Christmas Movies. The film is set at Christmas, so it's a Christmas Movie, but you could watch it any other time of the year and be fine, so it's not a Christmas movie, but it's set during Christmas etc.
It's a Sci Fi movie, but it does have horror elements. Imagine watching a picture of yourself slowly fade away because you no longer exist. *shudder* No thank you.
I don't know, John Mcclaine was nowhere near as sadistic as Kevin was. There has been a film theory about Kevin being Jigsaw in the future and I was like, nah. There would be more lego bricks in the Saw Movies.
Actually I'm wrong, The Bootstrap Paradox is something without origin. Like, Link's "Song of Storms" From The Legend of Zelda. But Die Hard is a paradox. I can't believe I just "um Actually'd" myself.
i think the worst part is it’s older than elf on a shelf which was conceived in like 2005 and people say like “it’s a christmas tradition” yeah ok whatever it’s not even old enough to drink
It's not about Christmas.
That's why it's not a Christmas movie.
Back to the Future is set in October but it's not a Halloween movie.