my psychiatrist LOATHES ambien entirely because of the wacky shit it does. when i asked about ambien for my insomnia, he said "no, i don't want you trying to cook a chicken pot pie in the dishwasher" in a tone that implied he'd had a patient do that in the past
I am too afraid of it after hearing various stories of sleepwalking and other strange stuff. I take Trazodone and it helps with sleep, at least for me. No weird side effects with it either. It also acts as an anti-depressant.
It is not just a myth. When I was on it, I’d have blackouts (like, no memory of several hours) & Ambien shopped and ate. I don’t remember now what happened with it a few years ago, but it seriously freaked me out the next day. Stopped it immediately.
Taken in above prescription doses it delivers a hazy high with a high amount of drowsiness and disassociation, with much memory loss. Speaking from experience.
my mom sleepwalks and moves stuff around. our favorite to tease her about is when she put a fresh cake in the pantry and then complained the next morning when she couldn’t find it
As someone who has taken it (prescribed - sleep disorder), if you purposely try & stay awake you'll definitely have some weird shit happen, or if you take more than is recommended. Some folks do experience sleepwalking/other side effects, but always best to consult a doc about it, esp long term use.
As a funny aside I did make a great slowcooker recipe on it & messed up ratios (was trying to finish before I crashed out - worked night shifts & got stupid about taking it & getting distracted) & it turned out AMAZING....never been able to recreate because I can't remember exact ratios lol
friends have had experiences on it that fall under the umbrella of wacky --- one common thing is none of them remember the episode at all and if they didn't trust the person telling them or the packages showing up at their door from an online shopping spree, they wouldn't believe it.
I had a friend who definitely had the Amazon shopping spree experience. He also had bad impulse control in general, so it may not have been entirely Ambien related.
Ambien can cause some weird hallucinations.