Not gonna lie, that is like the most inventive "artist vs art" animation I've seen in a while, and the fact that the punchline is an actual *plushie* of that lil' round goober is just the icing on the cake XD I have to imagine it took you quite a while to do all this, well done! Love the dynamism!
It sounds a bit like one of those "orch_hit" samples, but I'm sure it has some 80s/90s casio keyboard origin or something. Or one of those Akai sample CDs/floppies... hmmm.
I will keep searching. Thanks for the reply!
Also WOW!! I hadn't heard THAT stock music in YEARS!!! Where'd you find it?
but where did you get those gloves : O I've been looking for such and those seem pretty solid in quality!
Nice work!
Really fun animation ♥
20 seconds in!
I will keep searching. Thanks for the reply!
Happy to see ya get one out there!!