This is going directly to
With all due respect, what the fuck kind of tweet is this?
You are fighting for our families, and LOSING!
If we have to depend on y’all for our lives we are fucked.
Be louder, be obnoxious, for all intense and purposes, BE US.
With all due respect, what the fuck kind of tweet is this?
You are fighting for our families, and LOSING!
If we have to depend on y’all for our lives we are fucked.
Be louder, be obnoxious, for all intense and purposes, BE US.
No more F'n around!
Atheist, here. I do not give a shit about your god. If it exists, it gave you the power to do something. Fucking do it
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
― Epicurus
We had this fight nearly 250 years ago. Clearly the yearly reminder hasn't been working out..
We need solid, concrete and meaningful action.
Appears that there is no pushback!!! Dems allowed Noem through, WTH!!!!!
WTF?! Dems are “keeping their powder dry” for what?
WTF - WHERE ARE THEY?! C’mon, Kamala, you had only 1.5% less votes. Gavin?! Somebody with a PULSE?! — SOMEBODY LEAD THIS OPPOSITION!
I’ve never felt more helpless, hopeless, and angry at the Dems before.
Let’s not forget…
Faith, without works, is dead.
What are Democrats doing? Nothing as far as we can see.
IF we’re missing something please explain it to us.
Now, would be a good time to remind the country how Trump has been lying about the price of eggs when he blamed Biden & Harris.
... come on
Pray to God, but row for shore.
We need a Dem to give us all action items that we can all work on to fight back!
Who should we boycott? Who should we call, email? Where and when do we march?
I see independent journalists and activists doing this but no direction from the Dem Party!
What is wrong with paying respect to God?
You are dem-bashing for clicks.
Whiners and wet blankets are a dime a dozen.
Not you.
He is not separating church and state on his platform
Of all people
Hakeem Jeffries, get off your comfy pillow and start breaking some rules!
We want to hear from you in REAL TIME.
Say something.
Do something.
Get up.
When little trump starts letting people die, bc of what he's done.
I hope God directs Our Government to Intervene and stop that fucking monster.
I didn’t see that post until today.
Washington syndrome the call it.
Pray with no action = a wish.
JFC, just let AOC talk.
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
For religous types,
"God helps those who help themselves"
Act. Now or never, life and death of our beloved democracy.
That tweet is bullshit.
The exceptions should be leading this war.
AOC, Crockett. Bring in outsiders like Liz & get Katie Porter in(w/white board so she can school the cowards)
We need leaders in power and on the streets.
You & your fellow democrats need to wake up. You're dealing with pure evil & you all act like it's nothing
Quit being cowards and stop thinking courts, resolutions & strong worded posts will make a difference
It's a disgrace
We are in a war for our country. ACT LIKE IT!
Well, we are ready to melt down change for bullets… 🇺🇸
Trump is running roughshod over the Constitution, and this is the BS we get from the House Minority Leader?
He should resign.
Acting like a republican is not going to fix anything.
Do something !
he and schumer are the new harry reid and nancy pelosi.
they spout platitudes and faux outrage.
nothing more.
No challenge whatsoever
Only AOC and Crockett are talking resistance while you “pray”