Has anyone seen representative MacKenzie lately? Asking for his constituents down the road.
He disappeared now that they’re ready to takeoff his head.
Has anyone seen representative MacKenzie lately? Asking for his constituents down the road.
He disappeared now that they’re ready to takeoff his head.
Give Mr. MacKenzie's office a call & leave this msg.
You don't want to listen to me so, when your reelection comes around, don't bother to run as we plan to VOTE YOU OUT!
Time to clean out congress of ALL these useless people.
We must SHOW the world that we are standing up for democracy and fighting against the trump/Musk/Putin regime. They need to see us in action to understand that most Americans don’t want fascism, oligarchy, a dictator; we need the world’s support, help & solidarity.
We need to have a national conversation about this .
1) The citizens stop participating.
2) The elected representatives are no longer responsive to the electorate.
Home of the Cowards
(Republican HQ)
310 First Street SE
Washington, D.C., U.S.
I don't understand how the people in the Poconos have the same needs as the coal region of my area.
These MAGA Reps all deserve painful hemorrhoids that never go away.
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