Check this shit out y’all!
A teacher in Idaho has been ordered to remove a sign she has hanging in her classroom because somebody thinks it’s political.
The sign read “Everyone is welcome here”.
That’s it. That’s the entire sign.
You know what to do!
A teacher in Idaho has been ordered to remove a sign she has hanging in her classroom because somebody thinks it’s political.
The sign read “Everyone is welcome here”.
That’s it. That’s the entire sign.
You know what to do!
(Imagine a MAGA parent responding to their 8yr old who asks, “Mom/Dad..what’s bad about that sign?”)
This is a great image, and it was shared a lot the last days.
Anyone happen to know who the artist was that made it?
Creators are too often overlooked in this fight for humanity, decency and democracy.
But saying that "design elements" (rainbows, perhaps? skin tones, perhaps?) are associated with things "now subject to federal restrictions"
Such cowardice.
This erasure is despicable
What are they teaching our children?
This is Idaho and it’s a red maga state. I lived there and it didn’t pay to go against trump.
I’m not sure if I could have complied.
She wouldn't, but I would!
I love her for standing up for what is right and for her kids!
They want to exhaust us and they want to overwhelm us.
The best thing to do is to point that them and laugh, flip them the finger, and get to work.
Will take you to the CONTACT US page for this school district in Meridian , ID.
You can tell the Superintendent or whoever what you think.