If this is what she wants, then more power to her ... free will/country and all of that.
If she's being pressured from her "man", then counseling is in order ... or the police.
My middle children, two girls, were born 4 days shy of a year apart, and I was overdue with the second. I feel very much for that poor woman. That third pregnancy was the worst one because my body didn't have time to recover.
honestly I feel like Olivia Benson needs to be on call for every time a patient comes to their 6 week post-partum checkup already pregnant again. It happens more than you want it to. 😭
If she's being pressured from her "man", then counseling is in order ... or the police.
Admittedly I'm not an OB/GYN but that seems more dangerous than anything.
Maybe a little Quiverfull-esque, too.