I had a nice dinner with my friend, ate a gummy, had a sleeping pill afterwards, and fell blissfully asleep for a few hours. It was a pretty good night. #FDJT
The mind numbing paradox of rump tariff and Russia jerking is that it 110% flies in the face of the GREATEST AMERICAN BUSINESS MODEL.
The military-industrial complex. They NEED mindless grinding war to survive.
Surely a couple of needle dick, radio shack femboys didn’t roll their lobbyists??
dont let the coverage be about peopel supporting it, sen al green was removed and none of the democrats stood with him. and the republicans are cheering like crazy people
It'll just be Trump's illiterate "Project 2025" book report. Dictated by unterFuhrer Stephen Miller to Syphilis Susie, and run off the Oval Office's Gestetner for him by human printer Natalie Harp.
Easy for me, I've "missed" basically every single one ever, cuz it's never about propping up the working class. They might try to say it is, but we NEVER see policies that actually benefit US
I don't need to hear how the rich fucks' economy is doing amazing while we're almost all working poor
I sure as hell didn’t give him any time he’s have he’s had more than enough of all our time wasted our time is becoming an embarrassment. God I hate that man and everybody else that’s attached to him. They’re disgusting human beings.
There are so many good documentaries about people of color and about women on right now.
Why pollute our brains with his filth when we can fill them with knowledge instead?
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Why would anybody that believes in truth listen to a convicted compulsive lier and his worshipers (maga congress) who are only in it for the almighty dollar and political gain. They should all be put on a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean .
I did, I did, I did make sure NOT to subject myself to that dicKtatorTOT -- and am all the better for it, though our country is still so dangerously deep up shit's creek, we better get a plan of action SOON ....or we'll NEVER be able to remove the putrid, foul OrangeStain
I am watching it with Brian Taylor Cohen! To monitor and debunk! Some of us have to view it for Reference! It’s a hard thing to do but I’ll do it! Sorry not trying to deceive you I watch tons of them for fodder. It’s sickening and I have actually vomited a few times, you know into my mouth!1 hr togo
Hey Billy, just followed you, nice account my friend. I liked your responses. Linda Oh and it's OK if you don't want to follow back, I'm just always on the lookout for nice people.💞
Ignored, watched recap.
Only note worthy thing was he lied less the before but still more than any other politician. And made claims that could justify europe declaring war on us. When he causes world war 3
I feel I should watch it. It might give me insights into the crap he's planning. Although during his last presidency. I watched and listened to everything he said. Read everything he tweeted. And I became pretty angry. Before it was over. So maybe I should watch less.
Watching an OTA recording of "9 to 5" with my daughter and her fiancé. I remember some of the misogyny, but it goes a bit deeper watching it again all these years later. Don't let things don't get as bad as the movie portrays again in your work environment.
I actually don't feel that what's going on is about "democrats". I think it's more about "democracy" and FREEDOM from hate, racism etc. Everyone wants love, support, their rights and their freedoms my friend. DJT will NOT give that to the people. NEVER.💔
Made friends with him on Twitter a couple of years ago. He is a super cool dude and was one of the reasons I started writing. I love Mark and his family are pretty awesome too.💞
I’m watching a pre-recorded British Mystery Series.
Besides, Trump is so gross. He looks like a bloated and decomposing body on an autopsy table. You can almost smell his putrid odor through the TV screen 🤮
The military-industrial complex. They NEED mindless grinding war to survive.
Surely a couple of needle dick, radio shack femboys didn’t roll their lobbyists??
What is special about BULLSHIT pretending to be SOTU?
I don't need to hear how the rich fucks' economy is doing amazing while we're almost all working poor
Rax, the Voidwalker, Consumer of Dark Matter
Mog the Malicious and Crooked "Coco" Coset
Lemmy "Lem" Killmeister
So far I have not figured out how to have both profiles up simultaneously.
Need to start over. We stay up to date what bills etc are trying to pass etc. lots of good work.
72 k at one point. People in pain moving hard
Put in a good word for me please. 😁
Why pollute our brains with his filth when we can fill them with knowledge instead?
#unrivaled #wnba #bg
#Speciesism 🦧
I honestly can't imagine watching anything worse.
"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore,"
Now is a good time to turn his own words against him.
I read a book instead.
Battlestar Galactica:Razor on dvd for me.
Only note worthy thing was he lied less the before but still more than any other politician. And made claims that could justify europe declaring war on us. When he causes world war 3
The rest did.
Does it always feel this alone when one supports the Democrats
Besides, Trump is so gross. He looks like a bloated and decomposing body on an autopsy table. You can almost smell his putrid odor through the TV screen 🤮
Go Bolts! 💙⚡
Democrats = Zionists
Parasites and thieves.