Name your faves from #vtm

Clan: Malkavian (when done well) and Tremere
Sect: Camarilla
Discipline: Thaumaturgy/Blood Sorcery
Power: The Spirit's Touch
City: LA
Signature Character: Beckett or Smiling Jack
Edition: V5 (though also quite like v20)
Game: Bloodlines
Other Splat: Changeling
Reposted from Chrifu Bernal
Name your faves from #vtm

Clan: Toreador 🌹
Sect: Camarilla
Discipline: Presence
Power: Entrancement (problematic I knooow)
City: New York 🌃
Signature Character: Sascha Vykos 🦇
Edition: V5
Game: Bloodlines obviously!
Other Splat: Changeling ✨
