Yaaaay, Chicago!!!... Thank you!!.. 👏👏👏 #NOTMYPRESIDENT!... Please Repost this GREAT Post of a Great Boycott taking place in Chicago!...We need to see these Boycotts in EVERY City in America!!!!!!!!
Lock him up
Lock them up
They are traitors, criminals, thieves, crooks, losers, stupid and dumb racists who should be locked up so that democracy can be saved!
Nov. 7, 2028. The votes were counted before they were cast. Musk funds it, Trump blesses it, the crowd roars on cue.The world bows to Beijing, America plays pretend, and history signs its own death certificate.
Welcome to 2028—a Twilight Zone for the 21st century.
Part 1 is below. Well worth a read!
Is this the women’s march? All over the country yesterday, big marches. It’s time for women to take control. We missed out because of knuckledraggers & non-voters.
That's directly south of the former Sun-Times building. Trump built his tower of Russian debt on the grave of a liberal newspaper. Because of the glass, the tower reflects a lot of light, so in the winter, it's a bit warmer over there on Upper Wacker Drive. Just beneath THAT street is Lower Wacker.
Just a little context:
This is directly across the narrow Chicago River from Trump Tower in Chicago.
There is no walking space on the other side of the river near Trump Tower.
My screenshot was not. That's the point. I seem to have accidentally cropped the date stamp they put at the bottom when I posted it, but I remember seeing it was 2021, it was from before the 2022 renovations
Then again, with AI, who even knows what to believe anymore. 🤷
I googled it, and there apparently is a Royal Sonestra Hotel with lettering on it on Wacker Drive in Chicago. It’s possible the Google Maps image was taken before the building was renovated in 2022, or while it was being renovated.
Thank you for catching this. People grab hold of something they want to be true and just run with it, whether it’s true or not. No wonder so many people can’t tell what reality is anymore.
Good for you! I’m more than a little annoyed these days with unverified info being spread around like it’s a confirmed fact. This happens on “our side” as well as theirs. 🇺🇸
And then there is this on the original post which I just noticed.
Now I am starting to lean more towards a fake video rather than augmented reality - until and unless others post videos from locations nearby of the same event.
I wonder if we have any AI experts who can review.
A quick check on the hotels instagram account will show you an image from February that has the lettering and matches the video. Google maps will often use images from different time periods depending how far you zoom out.
Always happy to see these protests and also happy to repost to get them out there! The legacy media wants to foist an untrue reality on us, so we need to look for the truth wherever we find it.
Your voices are stronger than any winds! 💯. You are representing! THANK YOU!🙏 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🇺🇸
Are you covering this???!!!!
Lock them up
They are traitors, criminals, thieves, crooks, losers, stupid and dumb racists who should be locked up so that democracy can be saved!
Welcome to 2028—a Twilight Zone for the 21st century.
Part 1 is below. Well worth a read!
From the outside looking in, the US public seems to be sleepwalking through the rapid growth of the greatest internal threat it's ever faced.
I think bc we’ve never experienced war on our own soil. Some people think it could never happen here.
Those of us who have lived outside the US understand this.
I guess it might take another civil war for Americans to understand the difference between propaganda and truth, if it survives
This is directly across the narrow Chicago River from Trump Tower in Chicago.
There is no walking space on the other side of the river near Trump Tower.
You'd have to be really, really quick to not get caught with your pants down.
I’m at the point where I’m questioning every video I see because the news is so NOT to be believed.
As you scroll out, Google superimposes the lettering.
Either this is a fake, or the video is using one of those enhanced reality filters (or whatever they are called).🤷
Then again, with AI, who even knows what to believe anymore. 🤷
Next time, I guess. 😀
I noticed earlier that the Google Maps on-street screenshot I took showed that the image was taken in June 2021. 😀
Mystery solved! Thank you!
I am really sick and tired of AI causing the need for everything to be called into question, to be honest. 🫤
Just questioning based on what I have seen.
I mean, it could legitimately be just some "augmented reality"* filter applied to the video either on-the-fly, or in post.🤔
I'd really like to find out.
*Found the term I was thinking of in my last post 😃
And then there is this on the original post which I just noticed.
Now I am starting to lean more towards a fake video rather than augmented reality - until and unless others post videos from locations nearby of the same event.
I wonder if we have any AI experts who can review.
I mean, if ever there was diversity...
(not A president)