I don't know how to repost this on other platforms Keep posting. "They rigged the election and I became president"
How the fuck can he get away with this?
Holy $hit, I wish somebody would.
Since he has immunity (Drumpf) and will pardoned anyone who is convicted, it's turned into one big ring of corruption. The so-called supreme court is complicit.
Well then we need an opposition later or something more we need an opposition party and the Democrats are not being very oppositional right now very few are speaking out and the ones that do do they give a shit about no
More parties are not necessarily a good thing. France has seven major parties and a myriad of others. They can't govern anymore than our government can. The extreme left (Marxists) works with the fascist right. Just because...who the fuck knows !
What we need to do is kick the asses of most of the elected democrats. Primary them. Boo them in public while letting them know that dems are the ones booing them. Whatever it takes.
They don't have control anyway. Only the population can fix this. Wasting time complaining about elected legislators in the minority party who cannot do anything to substantively change anything is fruitless. The people must act now.
I agree with you about the dems, but starting "an opposition party" is unrealistic at this point. It would split the left and play in the hand of the repugnants. That is if we still get to have elections.
Yeah, same shit I've heard for the past 20 years. Now is literally the best time to ditch the feckless democrats. They handed Trump the country, they can fuck right off.
Yeah, yeah... that's going to be real helpful... Let's have a Revolution! "Le Grand Soir" and all that shit. Same old just better packaged. But Americans are "the smartest," so for sure the American Marxists will avoid falling into tyranny. Like I said: It looks good on paper, and on paper only.
It doesn't matter how many signatures you get, the only constitutional route to remove a sitting president is through Congress. He can be impeached or removed via the 25th. The average citizen has no LEGAL means of removing the president.
You might want to read the Bill of Rights again. There is another party to this social contract but it wants to sit at home behind screens and demand "someone," who doesn't exist, fix it all.
He cheated!! Maybe democrats should have walked (without any violence) into the capitol and demand that his election not be certified I wonder what would the republicans have done
Hello, IS THIS THING ON??!!📢
Hello USA, I'm Gigi from Canada, and I don't know how many times WE CANUCKS need to tell you: you're experiencing a COUP D'ETAT!
Congress, Dem's all of it. Done.Gone.Finito.
And people honk and wave, so we wave back, and act more silly! Then a few more come carrying different signs and we embrace...we know each other but we've never met!
And it starts raining so we go home....until next weekend when we'll bring friends.
Agree!! Also, in local coverage, one protest in which I participated was reported (accurately) as 100s of attendees by several outlets. Local Fox affiliate reported the turnout as “dozens”. Well, 25 dozen, I guess.
I believe it, Dems are just as much to blame for the current state of affairs. DEMs long term plan is banking on people voting for them because things will be really bad....don't fall for it! Don't vote for any democrat unless they have an actual viable plan ready to go.
He already feels invincible. If ever a situation should arise where he would have to face judges again, he will declare a state of emergency. He's created enough chaos already to justify this. Once the state of emergency has been declared, he can postpone elections and rule as a king.
TSF has admitted that they RIGGED the 2024 election. He has to be removed from the WH because he is illegitimate. Then expel Elon from America. All Repugs in Congress has to be charged with Amendment 14. All go to PRISON for rest of their miserable lives.
He and his sychophants will say he misspoke. If any Dem president had said anything remotely like this, it would be absolutely non-stop repeated and a full investigation on every level done. We know that’s true.
2024 ELECTION WAS STOLEN!!!! WAKETHEFUCKUP AMERICA!!! Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying election integrity through audits and data
Oralè Resisters
Veterans gave
their lives for us!
They deserve better!
It’s beyond human decency!
Trump Erased all links
To Black, Latino and Women
Buried at Arlington Cemetery.
#Arlington #Heroes #USDemocracy
Of course it was! He had a digital army of cult members programmed to vote for him, plus e lons ⭐️ link plus gerry mandering, booting people off the voters list and what about the 💣 threats to deter people from voting? Watch this…it’s how tech created his voters.
I posted a bunch of others too. There’s a lot out there on the topic… but not much in 2025 surprisingly or not so surprisingly ! Let’s watch them while we can so that we always can… 😬
Be aware and suspicious of anyone claiming to be a police officer, FBI, ICE, etc.
CONVICT KRASNOV will have his J6 Leninist-Marxist gangs outfitted in pretend dressup, as they did in the protests of 2020 when his terrorists infiltrated the protests to cause violence to falsely blame AntiFA & BLM.
I think what he is saying is that the 2020 election was rigged, so it forced his second term to 2024. If that isn't what he was saying, that's what they will say he was saying.
He is hell bent on revenge and destroying our country unless his insatiable ego is satisfied. And that is impossible for someone as dreadfully needy and deeply flawed as he is.
He just outright said they rigged the election. How is he not under impeachment proceedings at this very moment I don't care what side of the aisle Congress is on that's a shocking admission, and twice now. The clown has verbal diarrhea. but this was just outright, and from the oval office.
She was literally first out of the 2020 primary. Let's be honest, her whole support was relief at Biden stepping down, not " we love kamala soooo much we voted for her in 2020". Her campaign died as soon as Walz stopped being her hype man. When the Clinton people took over.
DON’T SHOOT ME, but I wonder if he was saying “they rigged the election” meaning the democrats rigged the election (like he’s said over and over) “and (still) I became president”. I believe he has said this before.
The first time he said this he was very clear. He said he was disappointed he would miss the 2026 world cup and 2028 olympics.
“I won’t be there. I won’t be your president. But then they rigged the election and now we won so I’m going to be your president for the olympics and for the world cup”.
Who would you think might investigate? The GOP-- creators of Project 2025-- has all three branches of our federal government. Why are people sitting at home demanding some imaginary person is going to fix this? The GOP has it all. ONLY the population can do anything.
Trump said he won 2024...I have my doubts. Still, he is in the White House. Control the 3 branches of government...have his cabinets under his control...and still he is not satisfied. TRUMP IS SORE LOSER! The rest of us will not be stymied by his childish behavior...he contemptuous behavior. 🤡
It doesn't matter at this point in time. Even if he laid out indisputable evidence on the Resolute Desk, no one would have the balls to do anything about it! Our bastion of laws and courts and judges is beginning to crumble before our very eyes! We always felt so safe and secure with our
institutions and with our imperfect, but exemplary form of government. The memory of every veteran who served and gave their lives for this great country is being shat upon by the all-consuming rise of King Trump and his court of evil and greed. I wish I had not lived to see our fall from grace!
He's admitted election fraud twice and not an eyelash in Congress was batted. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible." An addendum to this prescient statement is that no one would charge him with anything.
There are no words do describe the disgust over his admission or the fact that nothing is being done about it. Further, he hasn't a clue about how soccer is played or anything about Olympic sports. He's a clueless, evil, criminal dolt
Because "they" are all creators of Project 2025. Why would anyone expect them to "do anything about it?" The real "they" are you and me. It's on us. It's the responsibility of the PEOPLE! The people DO HAVE the ability but they are at home bitching that no one is fixing it!
Is this for real? Not that it would surprise me that Trump would babble like this, but it could theoretically be faked. I’d be interested in the source of this clip.
2024 ELECTION WAS STOLEN!!!! WAKETHEFUCKUP AMERICA!!! Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying election integrity through audits and data
These are conspiracy theories at best. Did they also hack the exit polling that matches official results. Jay Kou, a pretty good voice of reason, commented here https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15MmR7ty8K/
It is time to let it go. Even if someone found a smoking gun nothing would be done about it anyway.
Even if there's nothing to it, it still wouldn't be as extreme as believing in Qanon. I get that you're exaggerating, but your equivocation is worse than believing that the biggest liars and cheaters lied and stole.
It had to be rigged. The republicans were more than ready to step in when the results were announced. Computer hacking of the vote tabulators would guarantee a republican victory for president and Congressional members. Trump himself has said that the election was rigged.
We are living in a time where this doesn’t even make the news! And if it did, who could and would do something about it? The peasants will have to storm the castle. That’s what it’s going to come down to!
Because the GOP has all branches of government. Who are you waiting for? ONLY the people can do anything about this. Elected Ds can't pull magic tricks out of their pockets. All government is run by the GOP who created Project 2025. It's on you; it's on me; it's on the people.
His loose lips prior to the election said, and l am paraphrasing, we don’t need to worry about votes anymore. This was just after a series of meetings with muskrat.
The election was definitely rigged. Mr. Starlink found a way.
Both houses of congress are republican. The legal means of removing a president rests with congress and nowhere else. The citizens have no LEGAL way to remove a president. It's NOT going to happen. Buckle up
Exactly. And people sit at home behind screens demanding removal of a president by the GOP controlled Congress or another useless impeachment. It can't happen unless enough of population takes to the streets and quickly. Then they demand that "someone" do something as long as it isn't them.
🔥🔥‼️ If it was President Biden saying this…OMG!! The Republicans would have impeached, tried and sent him to GITMO!! My God, WTF???!!! Who do WE, as Americans, contact to get this INTERLOPER out of the PEOPLES HOUSE!!???
WE ACT. The GOP is in control of all branches of the US federal government. Don't wait for "someone" to contact! There is no one to contact that has control. Nothing will happen if the population does not revolt and revolt very soon. The PEOPLE have responsibilities in self government.
I believe as tRump confessed himself the November election was rigged by Elon Muskrat who used lottery, and digitally manipulated the voting computers !!!
Make this go viral. I knew that the election was “rigged”. However, at the risk of sounding like a MAGA, I kept my suspicions to myself. This election was too important to Putin for him to risk Donny losing. And with Elon and his tech skills, the results wouldn’t have been difficult to manipulate.
I believe he rigged the election but this is taken out of context. He was saying it was good that he is president now, that they rigged the election in 2020 and now he’s president when he’s needed in 2025. We can’t be what they are.
Not that it matters, our system has no fix for it after certification. Removing Trump still leaves maga in charge with jd removing both leaves Johnson. We would need congress to all vote to pass a new law to have a special election for president.
true but a lot of the Maga force comes from the demagogue cult of personality behind DT. We saw how the right floundered terribly without him at the helm during the biden administration.
There’s no in between for “basically good” & racist. Sincerely, someone who’s been on the receiving end of racism. We should tell our people that they’re behaving inhumanely w/ their prejudices & that’s why they’re in a crumby situation that their hate inspired. I’ve done the same in my community.
He even mentions a swing state , Pennsylvania. He said . Musk knew about computers. I still expected an investigation, but it never came. Even people with government training said they saw number manipulation.
Well, yeah, he's a textbook narcissist with antisocial personality disorder. Same thing my father was. Our government is just as pathetic as I imagined.
no kidding. but he is wrong on one thing, we the people can go after him, unlike the Democrats their hands are tied because they do NOT have Congress or the Senate but come April 1st we can take Congress back, would be a start
By force is the only way to reclaim the government since everyone in it is a coward. And it's obvious that courts, senators, and the like are useless. Bullies only respond to force. Until someone lays them all out, they will continue to get away with whatever. They already are erasing my existence.
it is more complex then force, because then it would be civil war. using the courts to incite and levy the gavel against him, then using authorities that he does not have authority to control to remove him forceably because then even the Secret Service will stand if ordered by the right courts.
I thought it was odd and disturbing that when Ivanka got her dozens of trademarks from China (the were exempt from tariffs) during trump's first term - one of them was for voting machines. Why was this never investigated?
We know what Elon did and now we know why djt allows Elon to do whatever he wants.
The mem that Elon is president isn't a meme anymore...
How the fuck can he get away with this?
An excellent post on the discrepancies:
Since he has immunity (Drumpf) and will pardoned anyone who is convicted, it's turned into one big ring of corruption. The so-called supreme court is complicit.
Hello USA, I'm Gigi from Canada, and I don't know how many times WE CANUCKS need to tell you: you're experiencing a COUP D'ETAT!
Congress, Dem's all of it. Done.Gone.Finito.
And it starts raining so we go home....until next weekend when we'll bring friends.
Which event did you attend?
Then someone joins you. And you make awkward convo because we haven't done this before...and we laugh at our awkwardness...
Then two more! And we feel silly chanting, but we do it anyway...
Knock knock!!!
Veterans gave
their lives for us!
They deserve better!
It’s beyond human decency!
Trump Erased all links
To Black, Latino and Women
Buried at Arlington Cemetery.
#Arlington #Heroes #USDemocracy
Wayback Machine (1/21/25)
Today (3/16/25):
Direct links to hidden pages (use group name):
Smile. I'd like to see that cocktail sob cut down a notch or two
Now try.
Be prepared. The TrumPutinista MAGA-terrorists have been for decades.
If U C terrorists engaged in ammo preps, suspicious movements, etc, as Pres Bush asked...report to FBI, DHS, ATF.
CONVICT KRASNOV will have his J6 Leninist-Marxist gangs outfitted in pretend dressup, as they did in the protests of 2020 when his terrorists infiltrated the protests to cause violence to falsely blame AntiFA & BLM.
“I won’t be there. I won’t be your president. But then they rigged the election and now we won so I’m going to be your president for the olympics and for the world cup”.
And Trump will blame Biden
The world may never know
Reagan is a good example! Soon this one wont be able to stop himself...
It's all 'too bad.'
Now, what was done about that?
We let him run again.
It is time to let it go. Even if someone found a smoking gun nothing would be done about it anyway.
The election was definitely rigged. Mr. Starlink found a way.
He needs to be disqualified and thrown in jail.
Send it to your Senators and Reps!
He is saying ‘they rigged’ the 2020 election which cost him the second term election, skipping that term allowed him to be president now
Not sure why the dems didn’t do recounts but this is on them. Harris should have pushed for them instead of conceding so quickly.
got thrown under the bus 🚍🤨
Oh yeah, they are.
A criminal is going to do crimes.
I wish media weren’t so afraid of Republicans and would make this the headline story every day!
They're just horrible people all around.
They would have to bribe loads of people.
So it's just wishful thinking. People voted for Trump. I know it's hard to accept that 32% of everyone are fascists, but that is the case.
(All the best from Europe)
to act.