I always figure it was something like this. People legitimately have no idea how easy it is to make bots. Even before bots became more common I was one of those no lifers who could and did run dozens of accounts per day. Too old for that crap now though. 🤣
I haven't seen any, but then again, I regularly list, and block that shit whenever I see it. If you don't want to see it, subscribe to my general bots & trolls list, and block it.
پس زیاد تر. کسانی کی معروف می شود این کار ها را میکند من یک همین گوشی را دارم به اسم سامسونگ با همین عکس وفیلم میگزارم ولی حمایت نمی،شوم حالا فهمیدم چرا 🥰💗💗👍😂
Brought to you by China
Bots show the same amount of thinking, reflection, and insight that conservative voters do.