A4: Use AI to help develop a feedback bank. Take your existing feedback from past assessments and prompt AI to make the comments clearer and more comprehensive. While you’re at it, connect the feedback to institutional support pages on the topic (academic skills centre pages, etc). #LTHEchat
A4. #LTHEchat I'm hoping that feedback on oral group work with an option to revise and submit written work will be a timesaver. I'll know later this semester!
A4 - I also finding giving audio feedback (recorded audio file) much quicker and easier than written. Might be a personal thing, but I can convey nuance more easily and explain like a human, not an assessment bot #LTHEchat
The million-dollar question! A lot depends on whether the assessment, rubric etc is well-designed in the first place - good design often = manageable feedback. #LTHEchat
A4 #LTHEChat Give a choice about what feedback is given - I sometimes use a 1,2,3 method (1 -'just tell me it's ok or not as I need reassurance'; 2 - 'give me something to improve'; 3 - 'give me lots!'). Encourages people to only request what they have time to use, and encourages honest dialogue.
I think this links to my (late) answer to the earlier Q on helping them value and engage - get them to choose and drive the feedback process more (or at least input and we can take that into consideration).
Heard study last year on how many points were ideal and it correlated with their grade
Having seen a lot of staff trial this and give it a go, a lot ended up in two camps:
camp one-take
camp obsessive editing...
Those naturally falling into the second camp I rarely see finding a way to end up quicker (overall vs written, though can be other advantages of course to continue).
We always used to discuss this for GTAs (who gave a lot of verbal feedback) as an advantage and disadvantage - it carries tone, but it also carries tone...
Awareness/chat about that ahead of time was useful.
A4: Fix the structural and funding issues in HE so all institutions aren’t cutting staffing to the bone - or shoving assessment on colleagues with precarious contracts. #LTHEchat
… and A4 more practically… make assessment fun. It makes it more joyous to assess. One of my modules asks students to produce a visual artefact. I literally can’t wait to mark this work. It’s just fun fun fun! Board games, lesson plans, apps — all that meet the module competencies. #LTHEchat
We also mist avoid over-assessment, pace deadlines across modules & programmes, use rubrics for efficiency, take advantage of stock phrases, utilise institutional resources (like linking to study skills) & design realistic assessments in the first place (that can be assessed in workload). #LTHEchat
Yes, yes, yes! I get students to write an article in the style of a popular magazine aimed at subject nerds. They're all different, have pictures and are just so fun to mark!
Oh - and meaningful. If the assessment feels meaningful, it’s easier to motivate the assessors. Like their feedback will have purpose and value for a student.
(Considering I’ve seen some tick box crap driven by a PSRB that sucks time and joy and hope from all - students and academics) #LTHEchat
totally agree - I got a ThingLink, podcast, patchwork text - I got excited to find out these - though the written assignments were also great to read too. It was the variety and creativity which was 'joyous' #lthechat
Oh yes! Currently marking business/social enterprise ideas to reduce carbon emissions. The ideas students come up with are inspiring. Heartbreaking though when students come up with a great idea but haven’t followed the remit and marking criteria. #LTHEchat
Having said that, not following remit and getting a low mark opens up opportunity to talk about learning for life v learning for grades. Best if both go together, but don’t always. #LTHEchat
A4 - Tricky! Well designed rubrics that use language that can be understood clearly by tutor, student and assessor. They can sometimes be designed with the widest of parameters and therefore open to interpretation with the downside being confusion. #LTHEchat
A4 #LTHEChat Scaffolding it with formative tasks (preferably with summative assessment/s if one exist) at regular intervals throughout a module/unit delivery rather than a long descriptive written or verbal feedback immediately before or after a summative submission.
A4 I find using Padlets to help students track their learning journey with recorded feedback (from a tutor or self-generated by student) can be an effective way to manage feedback and evidence it. #LTHEChat
A4 Being strategic in when detailed / individual feedback is provided. Persuading colleagues that writing 'War and Peace' in response to a short piece of coursework probably isn't best use of time (or particularly helpful to students). #LTHEchat
I once worked with a colleague who gave students the choice of when her detailed feedback comments could be provided- and a high proportion elected for detailed input on formative and minimal commenting therefore on summative....A4#LTHEChat
I have struggled (morally? professionally?) to balance giving feedback which is sufficient and perhaps doesn't identify some aspects that are 'incorrect' or where feedforward could help. Still a WIP.
A5 #LTHEchat, fewer assessments (programme level - to link modules & stop siloisation of content); more (group level where possible) feedback, particularly formative , but also final as needed
A4: Increasing the feedback turnaround time by a week helped release the pressure on markers and increased our marking quality. It was 15 days before for our large cohorts and is now 20. #LTHEchat
A4: Rubrics have been a time-saver, but they also foster transparent moderation procedures. I support a team of 7 markers & I can quickly check if the highlighted rubrics aligns with the grades and is applied consistently. It also makes for productive discussions between markers. #LTHEchat
One big win would be streamlining the online assessment logistics! We need systems that allow marking across questions, facilitate banks of frequent comments, link marks to answers and allow situated discussion; A social media tool for feedback discourse
#LTHEchat A4
A4 reject the notion of self-plagiarism in the feedback context. Make it personalised but not at the expense of feeling you can’t repeat a particularly articulate constructive remark. My personal favourite is “space before units” - how many different ways can I say that? #lthechat
Agree, I’m astounded when staff don’t share rubrics in advance, unless they’re really a marking checklist (has the student included x etc). An ex-student, by then a PhD student tutoring “I don’t know how anyone fails your unit, Emma, that check list is so clear”. Come submission, she saw near misses
A4 I've used seminar time to give verbal feedback to students one to one as the class engage in an activity. Can take a few weeks to get through all students but they valued it. #LTHEchat
A4 I've found having a feedback table helps me align feedback to the learning outcomes with promots to say what went well, not so well and suggestions for improvement. #LTHEchat
I think calling it a feedback table is a better phrase than rubric, esp if it’s really a feed forward table .. (though I agree with @nomadwarmachine.bsky.social that maybe feedback isn’t the best word
What could we use in place of the term ''feedback'? ChatGPT offers grading commentary, reflective critique, rubric insights and performance review. #LTHEchat
Nope, NSS rules, as mentioned before. You can do all of those things to inform your feedback but don’t muddy the waters by using them to describe it to your students. #lthechat
A4. In my online learning community, I provide (most) feedback publicly so everyone can learn from it. This reduces repetition & I can draw connections between different learners' work. I recognise those of us in formal academia may be more constrained in feedback channels or approaches
A4 #LTHEchat
- Interesting, stimulating, and engaging assessments
- #ungrading
- confidence building
- evaluative judgement being a core #PGCHE and #CPD skills dev by staff
- reduce the reliance on exams
- #FeedbackFruits?
- embedding CPD points beyond the "good" disciplines around Education
A4 Ah, I was confusing a previous Q4 and today's Q4. Improving staff-student ratios, resisting over-assessment and countering the push for anonymization and standardization. Demanding that assessment is properly resourced. The biggest threats to assessment come from cost-squeezing #LTHEchat
A4. What a good question! I can take so much time marking to help students understand their mark and give tips on improving future work. Fan of rubrics with additional written comments. Takes time to think out the rubric but worth it for me. #LTSEchat
Good course design coupled with minimal, or no, assessment.
Assessment of whole group should be in next session.
Ohh… and make it fun as well. Get everyone laughing at their goofs or glowing at their goods!
#LTHEchat A4
Heard study last year on how many points were ideal and it correlated with their grade
camp one-take
camp obsessive editing...
Those naturally falling into the second camp I rarely see finding a way to end up quicker (overall vs written, though can be other advantages of course to continue).
Awareness/chat about that ahead of time was useful.
They don't feel as alone in errors, misconceptions.
At times they wouldn't have got that feedback but might still have benefitted from it.
(Considering I’ve seen some tick box crap driven by a PSRB that sucks time and joy and hope from all - students and academics) #LTHEchat
- the tone of replies is so important.
#LTHEchat A4
Rubrics help to focus comments in specific areas.
Standard 'prompt' template e.g. 1 good thing; 1 thing to improve a suggestion for future growth?
- Interesting, stimulating, and engaging assessments
- #ungrading
- confidence building
- evaluative judgement being a core #PGCHE and #CPD skills dev by staff
- reduce the reliance on exams
- #FeedbackFruits?
- embedding CPD points beyond the "good" disciplines around Education
What are #FeedbackFruits?