It’s a common misconception that ADHD is just an inability to focus. Really, it’s a struggle to control focus.
I can hyperfixate for hours on complex but pointless tasks and freeze on simple tasks.
Some days, my brain’s a Lamborghini with no brakes. Other days, a rusty bike with a stuck chain.
I can hyperfixate for hours on complex but pointless tasks and freeze on simple tasks.
Some days, my brain’s a Lamborghini with no brakes. Other days, a rusty bike with a stuck chain.
It’s frustration that you can’t focus on something you want or need to do.
It’s guilt that you’re focused on something “unimportant” but can’t stop.
It’s panic that you’re gonna be late AGAIN and you’ve been shamed sm for it.
the name adhd itself gives a wrong idea about what it actually is. its not an attention deficit, its the inability to control your (massive amounts of) attention
and can't pay attention on tasks that don't stimulate your brain
( I think that with my anxiety and depression even a
Why must my brain be like this 😭
Sometimes you might be able to shift focus at will, other times it'll get stuck and won't shift to where you need it at all. And then there's the times when it won't STOP shifting and stay put in any one gear. Just revs thru everything til AHH. FIRE.
And I don’t what weird voodo/bop-it procedure will lock the super-being vs the zombie.
Having to adapt to whatever me is every day is exhausting.
Likewise, unstoppable at sorting virtual folders in a computer/phone! Passes out beside a pile of unfolded laundry. 🙃
I cannot focus that well unless it’s something I love
Yea, I can organize everything I want to do into lists no problem. But when it comes to actually choosing what to do? It can feel impossible
for me, ADHD meds will add an engine to get things moving but steering and brakes are still terrible 😂
If you plug normal appliances into my system, they blow out. But I can power a city if you use me right.
...and a current going two OTHER directions...