Terrific blog post - straight and to the point. The people in the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, and the rest of the policy apparatus that have supported the murders and atrocities committed against the Palestinian’s have a lot to answer for and should be held to account for it.
My issue with this is where is the line. I'm not defending Biden because he didn't do enough for the Palestinians, but I have 2 daughters, one of whom is a lesbian. Under Dems their rights (and lives) were safe. Dems did more for the working class and minorities.
Did Biden fail with Palestinians? Absolutely, but in the same way that huge segements of the population voted against their self-interest in choosing Trump, Democrats have, by and large, continued to back minority populations in the US.
Biden isn't perfect. No president has ever told the Israelis off, even though their policies in the last 40 years deserve it. To argue that because Biden and the Democrats didn't stand up for the Palestinians is somehow a condemnation of their entire policy is a straw man because
The real problem is that the Dems were beaten at the PR game because entire networks were spewing Trumpian propaganda and the Dems chose to go on the defensive instead of forcing Reps. to answer for their choices.