Like any of it matters anymore. He's an absolute scumbag, but the enablers have shielded him from consequences and will continue to do so until the day he dies.
This is AI generated content. None of these headlines were printed. Didn't you know, journalism now consists mainly baseless conjecture, not a report of actual events that took place.
Haven't seen proof either way but I really think that helped him.
Think The Public wants no part of whichever side's in power trying to tie their opponents up in court.
How can someone so guilty become our next president, I honestly do not understand?! I am an old lady who remembers a time when our Presidents were held up to a higher level of truth, trust, and respect. Yes, we failed a few times, but this is a repeat and that is what I can not understand.
It's a representative democracy for rapists, pedophiles, tax cheats, misogynists, creeps, statutory rapists, pedophiles, and the worst bosses. But not for anyone else.
This is a really serious systemic failure which will have to be remedied once this lot are out of government. Dear Leader is a symptom of that problem, not the problem itself.
If never sentenced, was he really ever found guilty??? He’ll never pay his debt to society and never be punished for his crimes because he’s (somehow) too valuable to the 1%!
He just seems to have gotten away with it because America is fucked
His children will take the crown once he passes and so forth, you'll never have to vote or think for yourself ever again!
Praised be king trumpet
A jury in NY deliberated and found him GUILTY of 34 felonies! [He] has NOT faced sentencing... yet! Ol' "teflon Don."
His surface has been scratched. Should he live, January 20, 2029 by 12:05 he'll be sentenced. Other trials happen.
Think The Public wants no part of whichever side's in power trying to tie their opponents up in court.