So what happens with their guests? Do they invite Conway on to speak his mind and allow him to be a target in their place or do their guests self censor? How does this obey in advance work do you think?
They're rich, they should have resigned if they were so scared. To completely concede the media to him is egregious.This is why these 'anchors' should never be labelled journalists. They're entertainers that are just looking for wealth and celebrity with no interest in informing the public.
Ethics and morals are important attributes. These two bend with the political winds. See their gushing over Trump in 2015 until Biden got elected. They then got on that gravy train and just got off at Mar a lago sniveling. Zero sympathy.
This. I can empathize with the fear. But if they can't do the job, they need to give up their slot. NBC also needs to commit to fighting these fights with their journalists.
... yet Jimmy Kimmel still mocks him every night. a comedian has more backbone than the supposedly tough former Congressman. and Mika with her "know your value" rhetoric... what kind of BS example is that
The charges are unconstitutional and the existing court judges would reject on those grounds. Giving up was cowardly and undermines free speech and the legal system for everyone.
Nah, not really. The difference is we don’t have a public platform. Their capitulation is broadcasted. Mika and Joe should have enough cash but obviously not enough to satisfy them. What they don’t have is integrity enough to quit.
Exactly what Fascist tyrants do. They never actually find anything in their lawsuits and investigations, but it costs people money to defend themselves against it. Also, I don’t think those were new threats. pretty stale and old. seems like a big jump to bend the knee that quickly.
yes, but they also have the resources to leave the country. I wouldn't hold it against them if they peaced out and continued the fight from afar. this helps no one, now he literally owns them.
Yep. By staying and pretending everything is okay, they're complicit in a small way just for their own security and to the detriment of all of the people that listen to them and rely on them.
If they don’t have the guts to speak truth to power, they should get out of the business. They’re just spewing useless information now. Knowing they’re scared makes everything they say questionable. Time for them to retire.
I risked my life for this American democracy. They’re worried about being audited.
And they are fascists now for siding with trump
All pundits should become caregivers for the next four years.
They’re taking in prob $15-$20M per year each and have been for years
Show a fucking spine
Hire the greatest lawyers you can find. You can afford that
Worst thing is they tried to position this as developing better lines of communication or some shit like that
Fuck you M&J
🎶 C-O-W-A-R-D-S 🎶
Now they have the power to do it. I’d be terrified too.
It doesn’t mean anyone should watch their show or watch them cower.
But holy hell - I would not want to be in their shoes.
It should be easy for THEM to say.
But it's easier for them to collaborate.