Oh no, I've kicked the monarchist hornet's nest.
I regret nothing.
I don't want to be ruled by a man who lives overseas and was chosen by a divine power to wear a very fancy hat.
I regret nothing.
I don't want to be ruled by a man who lives overseas and was chosen by a divine power to wear a very fancy hat.
We have bigger fish to fry Steve 🤨
Although to be honest that might be a better way to go these days…
I mean, c’mon man! You really think THIS constitutional argument is in the top 10 - even top 100 - issues Canada needs to tackle right now?
Thanks for the good wishes.
That never ends well friend.
Have a good day.
If the US is any example of what republics are, I don't want it.
Neither do real witches
If it's not Halloween
I keep moving