If it’s fiction you’re open to, I would suggest Inside Out hands down no 1. Experimenter is a fictionalized look at Milgram. Memento is anterograde amnesia. Awakenings for neuropsych. Office Space for I-O. Other suggestions: https://boxd.it/s0PFC
Experimenter! Thanks. I was thinking there was a Milgram movie. I was considering an Inside-out, but wasn't sure how college freshman would respond to animation. I guess it's high enough quality that it's well beyond a kids movie! Good suggestions. I knew the psych Cinema guy was the one to ask.
Oh I thought of this one, seems like Jonah Hill is pretty heavily involved & it's his actual therapist? So I was pretty skeptical especially given he seemed to use a lot of therapy talk to harass his girlfriend or something. Is it actually informative or able to lead to discussion you think?