ALSO kind of unrelated BUT. This made me realize that the casing around his gem is shaped just like his scale weights, but has the gem embedded in it, almost like how the weights look on her official insignia too. Like he has the weight of her heart hanging around his neck at all times. Amazing.
You should add onto this by coming up with a reason for why the droplet on her neck glows under elemental sight, but the gem on his neck doesn't, just to feed the delusion
I never noticed that so I went into the game to check it—it does look like it glows but I think it’s a trick of eyes given the grey palette surrounding everything? like blue and gold dress debacle
I can still be delulu and say, well Neuvi is using his own elemental powers, not the ones from her gem, so it doesn’t glow, while for Fufu her Oceanid heart core still calls out to her when she uses hydro skills…..