nobodys asking to take the rich peoples money tho. its everyones money-communitys money back to the community to ensure a basic standard of living for everyone. rest. i agree it doesnt mean commodities but i was talking about just how helpless the common people are under capitalism and its unfair no
Fact is, we can’t afford to have billionaires. They’re too expensive
The unfairness is in power. But it we take the power from the rich, very little power will trickle down to the people, most will stay with the politicians. There really won't be much change.
Any government’s #1 priority should be legitimacy. Trust is hard to build, but is the only path to stable government
abt the rest- i actually havent researched enough to know if having billionaires is sustainable or if its possible to be a billionaire in an ethical and fair way. ill look into it.