Pro-vax here, but this is hideously oversimplified.
Bodily formaldehyde as a metabolic by-product is tightly regulated by enzymatic mechanisms like formaldehyde dehydrogenase, which converts it to CO2 and formate.
We can all agree that injecting it directly into a vein is NOT the same thing.
Bodily formaldehyde as a metabolic by-product is tightly regulated by enzymatic mechanisms like formaldehyde dehydrogenase, which converts it to CO2 and formate.
We can all agree that injecting it directly into a vein is NOT the same thing.
Also going to have to hear in what way vaccine formaldehyde is somehow bypassing metabolic controls.
Never once had it injected directly into a vein. Always in the muscle tissue on my upper arm just below the shoulder. So I don’t understand your post.
It must get exhausting dealing with all these internet experts.
It is augmented there by GSH, NAD, THF and ALDH. This reduces the load on the liver when residual formaldehyde is processed.
IV formaldehyde? Straight to the tissues.