That is an entirely different question - if this does become the legal name either by international agreement or by due legal process in the USA, I guess at least US-English locales would use it by default, at least for a few years. (And none of your examples match this 🇨🇳CCP level map name game)
I agree and nobody should change it based off current dialogue, just wondering if people would refuse to change it in OSM even if it went through full legal renaming or not
I guess there would be no point in that case - and any local(e)
overlay would/could probably use whatever preferred name in the local language anyway, even German-speaking areas used to use names like Neu-York like the Spanish world does today.
But if we are playing with century-old conventions, why not correct Waldseemüller's unilateral decision and find some beautiful new name for the entire continent 🐸😜
Somebody should propose it first! I do seem to think Oceania was not so used as a continent name until more recently (when I was a child I think the continent as a whole was Australia, maybe wrong?)
overlay would/could probably use whatever preferred name in the local language anyway, even German-speaking areas used to use names like Neu-York like the Spanish world does today.