Absolutely correct, your book put into words what I was feeling when I moved to the US, America isn't like Australia and the UK.
The founding fathers made sure of that, actually they messed it up.
Most Americans don't see it.
I move to the US in 1999 I'm Australian I said there's something broken in this system, I saw you on morning Joe, and saw the glazed look in the eyes of the people being interviewed I recognised it from when I lived there.
America isn't shining City on a Hill!
Thanks Angela. What struck me about that appearance on Morning Joe was that it confirmed my thesis. Americans are so often blind to the history that makes sense of Trump. He challenges their historical belief system, and the grand narrative of progress. Look anew at the history, and he makes sense.
We the body politic, not "We the People" struck me, that's why they make it hard for Americans to vote it's like you said baked in.
I found it so interesting how many Presidents haven't been as good as purported to be by the public.
I had a love affair with America also since very young.
The founding fathers made sure of that, actually they messed it up.
I move to the US in 1999 I'm Australian I said there's something broken in this system, I saw you on morning Joe, and saw the glazed look in the eyes of the people being interviewed I recognised it from when I lived there.
America isn't shining City on a Hill!
It's beneficial to some minorities.
I found it so interesting how many Presidents haven't been as good as purported to be by the public.
I had a love affair with America also since very young.
I knew the reason.
Americans don't want to know the truth, I tried this was the response 🙉 LoL