Oh I relate hard to this.
Just do whatever.
Pictures always work well. You can take a photo of nature or sth every day and post it.
Or not. Honestly, you can also just lurk and reply to other Earper posts as well.
Whatever you want or don't want.
Just have fun. This (account) is your place.
Just do whatever.
Pictures always work well. You can take a photo of nature or sth every day and post it.
Or not. Honestly, you can also just lurk and reply to other Earper posts as well.
Whatever you want or don't want.
Just have fun. This (account) is your place.
You got this. Channel your inner Waverly, going for the thing she wants.
And don't forget to check in with yourself from time to time. :D
I don't know how I've outplayed my imposter syndrome here, but I'm just thinking that everyone's kinda new here. And we're all a bit lost. So now is the best time to establish yourself as present and here.
Be a clown, have some fun.
And I'm sorry about your friends Interests change, things fall apart, it happens(unless sb did sth wrong)
I know that part pretty well. Forcing yourself to keep going the same way just won't work ususally.
See you around, I hope c:
And I don't know how to do it either.
I'm just saying 'hi' or sth every once in a while and people say hi back. It's hard in the beginning.