I'm not shocked but I saw way too may right-winged Clock Monkeys on Twitter supporting Trump. It was so bonkers. I didn't even understand their agenda other than most of them have lived most of their life as White Men so they didn't understand the plight of all women. It's so nuts.
Keep in mind that less than 49% of Americans voted and the disgusting thing is that a lot of Americans either sat on their ass and didn’t vote or used inflation as their bullshit reason when inflation was coming down….laziness and stupid excuses is all some Americans have for not doing it right
The strange part was that MSNBC and CNN were reporting "record breaking" lines/voting in this election. Trump has told on himself so many times that he had the election rigged.
Well, I don’t recognize an adjudicated rapist as president and CNN and all other news outlets bent a knee and kissed a rapists ass so I don’t acknowledge any of it so that it for me lies are lies whether it’s CNN or Trump there is no trusting either
Lots more people voted for Trump. It’s really that simple. It’s not hard to believe. It sucks, and it’s stupid, and it’s incredibly disappointing. But it’s easily possible, and matches exit polling data. Don’t go down that cul de sac.
I wish I had the money to leave.