20. Speculative fiction (SFFH, genre-blending fiction, etc.) that doesn't merely use conflict as a plot driver but empathetically portrays people's *lives* under conflict.
As a total coincidence (trust me), I've just published a blog post about this:
As a total coincidence (trust me), I've just published a blog post about this:
However complicated my feelings about academia may be, certain elements of the university aesthetic and lifestyle still have their hold on me.
*But I kinda get it now that I'm not so young and I'm visiting such a campus as I write this.
Anyway, (23) sitting down in a nice cafe and having a well-crafted coffee while I write/work. It's just about the most fun I can have ehile feeling productive.
That happens to me too, but I realized I also get feeling that from encountering great architecture, especially the historical stuff.