Israel’s strikes on Syria after al-Assad’s fall violate international law and are seen as a "lawless" bid to disarm its enemies, according to UN experts.
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Israel will never recover from this. Never!
israel must be dismantled for there to be peace in the ME
And all those that committed the horrific crimes, must be hounded and brought to justice, like the Nazis were!
we all need to support the UN otherwise there will be noone to stand up to despots, except other despots
..and guess who loses in the end? everyday citizens just tryin to live a life
Y r u mad at me for excitedly supporting them?'
They had 13 years, one strike a month would have covered it.
Then they sold Iran weapons for ten years of war with Saddam and Iraq
The UNWRA employed militants involved in Oct 7.
UN peacekeepers didn't even attempt to enforce Resolution 1701.
Better to destroy weapons that can be used against you than hope the UN will prevent that from happening.
Fool me once . . .
(And yes of course I know-- the U.S. has done plenty of its own war crimey things.)
But that doesn't make the Israel thing suck any less.
Who's the UN in the bag for again?
Strategically destroying Assad's poison gas & weapons base to keep it from being used agaimst the world again, is actually the right thing to do.
This is the same toxic gas Assad used to poison & choke the Syrians.