An actual treatment for prions! That's fucking ASTOUNDING. Those things are goddamn TERRIFYING.
An actual treatment for prions! That's fucking ASTOUNDING. Those things are goddamn TERRIFYING.
Reposted from
Scientists have created an actual treatment for prions, the cause of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in humans, chronic wasting disease in deer, & mad cow disease.
"Brainwide silencing of prion protein by AAV-mediated delivery of an engineered compact epigenetic editor". #ShareGoodNewsToo
"Brainwide silencing of prion protein by AAV-mediated delivery of an engineered compact epigenetic editor". #ShareGoodNewsToo
But even *in mice* this is a nearly UNBELIEVABLE step forward, given how *intractable* prions are. Being able to do this in mice is ASTOUNDING.
Like, fuck, even if it's only in mice, even if it's only one specific Prion, being able to do this
and not kill the host is REMARKABLE.
Science is fucking amazing.
That society worships athletes and "influencers" over people working on these riddles is grotesque.
Bittersweet for me, I have a friend who lost a parent to Creutzfeldt–Jakob and I wish they’d gotten this treatment
And I am so, so sorry for your loss.
Yes it is only in mice. Yes it is only for one prion. But that’s how science gets done, chipping away at impossible tasks one at a time until they all come together.
Which seems like a suggestion this could also work for Alzheimer's