Look this is a pretty L update for @bsky.app , but honestly can we STOP with the doomerism attitude & acting like this is the end of the world?
Settings ➡️ Content and media ➡️ Thread Preferences ➡️ Change "Sort Replies" to whatever setting you choose.
Settings ➡️ Content and media ➡️ Thread Preferences ➡️ Change "Sort Replies" to whatever setting you choose.
I'm glad it's an option, and I can see wanting to use the "hot" sorting algo. But it's not for me.
Newest ftw
In my eyes it's a minor L, but it seems they took the feedback to heart which I appriecate, but I also know that this feature are for companies ...
Also yes to me this is a minor L, Twitter / X does much more diabolical things (ON THE DAILY) when it comes to updates- And at least they take feedback also unlike Twitter / X !
But we should also tell them our thoughts when something seems weird and incorrect so the platform can improve for a better experience.
As well the option to get notified when you get added on a list or starter pack, with the option to jump out of it if it doesn't suit one.
Because of this i believe it's a bug where SOME people got changed and others did not.
It's not always malicious intent guys.
Even the people running Bluesky are not perfect- They are human, humans make mistakes, like stop acting like this is the end of the world when this could very well be a mistake / bug- You can change it.
Bluesky has things Twitter can't even THINK to have. Blocklists, Starter Packs, Feeds, etc.
Like! Stop acting like it's over for ONE update you can adjust in Settings!
At least we aren't forced to have it set to Hot-
Let's not bring it over to Bluesky, please-
But let's not bring this doomerism attitude to Bluesky when Bluesky has so many good things that Twitter / X won't even DREAM of having, it's just one setting you CAN CHANGE!